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Hi, I'm Sara Cruz. My business cards say Certified High Performance Coach, but I am not your average coach. 
I’m a coach, motivator, strategizer, accountability partner, and a total geek over personal development. I will be your number one fan, but there is no doubt I will push you outside of your comfort zone and help you to discover what you are truly capable of. 

I believe we all want to achieve success and fulfillment in all areas of our lives. Too often we allow our fear, uncertainty, and lack of confidence dictate our future. When we see someone, who beams with joy and fulfillment, demonstrates ‘balance’ at home and work, we think, “I NEED to know what they are doing,” but we lack the know-how. Been there, and due to that experience, I have spent years of my life studying psychology, self-confidence, communication, time management, and high performance habits. 
I now teach the know-how. I teach High Performance Living, so YOU live a life that is full of engagement, joy, and confidence. I empower leaders, like yourself, to lead effectively, creating a dynamic and innovative workplace. I help establish clarity around purpose, priorities, and passions; creating more joy and fulfillment. I teach how to implement habits that skyrocket success, personally and professionally.

I’m also a total book nerd and if you are looking for a personal development book on a specific topic, I’m a great resource. I have been featured as a guest expert in coaching programs and virtual summits, and I’m an active contributor to writing platforms as well.

BE more. ACHIEVE more. GIVE more. LIVE more.
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